Booking Terms & Conditions
By using this service and/or ticking the relevant box in the pass purchase section/booking section, you accept you have read Body Reform Pilates terms of use and the following terms, conditions, policies including any future amendments. These relate to ALL classes offered in the Body Reform Pilates studio, in both studio locations.
It is your responsibility to have read these and be aware of them.
Cancellations/rescheduling to class bookings must be made 12 hours prior to the class to avoid losing your session fee and also to be fair on others who may want that spot - no exception. This includes testing positive for Covid.
If you fail to show up for a class, you will be marked as a 'no show' and your pass will be lost and you will be charged a $5 fee for failing to cancel your booking. It is your responsibility to cancel your booking. Do not message Body Reform asking them to do this for you.
Also included in the cancellation/rescheduling or no show policy is if you do any of these things 3 times in a one month period your future bookings will be cancelled and you will have to rebook.
Class passes - either one off/concession passes/memberships are purchased and used by ONE single person (the purchaser) - they can not be used to bring someone else along to a session (unless the pass specifies this and prior arrangement has been made with Body Reform Pilates) or have someone else turn up in your place - they will be denied participation in class. Once the pass has been purchased, you accept that it is to be used within the specified timeframe (these can be found under the relevant plan in the 'Plans & Pricing' section of the website.)
It is your responsibility to use the passes you purchase within the specified time frame - please do not ask for an extension.
All purchases are final. Body Reform Pilates does not offer refunds, transfers, suspensions or extensions on services, workshops or products for change of mind, change of address or any other reason. We will consider extensions on class packs upon sudden injury, illness with a medical certificate and pandemic-related lockdowns.
Memberships (or the concession payment options) are charged on a weekly occurrence. If the pass/es for memberships is/are not used for the week, they do not roll over.
Signing up for a membership is final, it can not be cancelled for change of mind.
Payment terms -
If you are choosing the payment option - either a weekly membership or the split weekly payment option for a concession pass, you accept the weekly payment terms and are responsible for ensuring the money is available to be processed each time it is due. If payments continue to fail you accept Body Reform Pilates can ask you for the remaining payment owed in full.
You accept this is a legal agreement and are responsible for paying this money, if BRP requires help to recover the money owed, you as the purchaser will be responsible for these recovery costs.
Body Reform Pilates reserves the right to bill the client the cost of any additional bank fees which may incur from disputed or failed transactions regarding a clients account.
All payments are processed through Stripe, which is a third party online payment system. Body Reform Pilates has nothing to do with any additional fees that may be charged as a result to clients having insufficient funds during payments.
All passes are valid to be used for both studios - it is your responsibility to turn up to the right studio, at the right time to complete your booking. You can not book into a class at one studio and turn up for that class time at the other studio.
All passes once purchased MUST be started 6 months from purchase - otherwise the purchase will become void.
Grip socks are compulsory when joining a BRP class - the first class you attend may be done with any socks, but from then on any further classes being attended require grip socks. This is for health and safety reasons for everyone involved in the class. No exceptions. BRP has socks available to purchase or they can be sourced elsewhere.
Body Reform Pilates reserves the right to cancel any class as needed, within any time frame - whether from low class numbers or trainer circumstances. There is a minimum number of participants required to run a class - at least 3. Your pass will be credited back to you for you to reschedule a time that suits. BRP tries hard not to have to do this, but sometimes its out of our control.
Body Reform Pilates has the right to refuse entry to any client at any time. Our instructors reserve the right to direct clients to particular class types for safety reasons - instructors also reserve the right to turn clients away for any reason they deem necessary (for example, failing to follow instructions given). Clients must follow the instructions given around how to use, operate and exercise on the Reformer and/or other equipment used. Failing to do so may result in you being asked to leave the studio and forfeit your pass.
Acceptance of terms of use and amendments
Each time you use or cause access to this web site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of use, as amended from time to time with or without notice to you. This includes Body Reform Pilates right to change/amend/cancel pricing options/printing errors at their own discretion without notice. Prices may increase from time to time to reflect increases in cost and benefits. To keep you healthy, we must keep our business healthy.​
You also accept that all sales are final - on ticking the relevant box at checkout, you are agreeing to the displayed price you are set to pay/purchase.
From time to time there is a possibility of trainer changes last minute to accomodate changes in circumstances - you will not be notified, the change can be seen under the name of the trainer for that particular class if it occurs.
If you choose to sign up to the $18 Junior Trainer classes - you accept these trainers are new and their workouts/presentation of the workouts may reflect their level of training - you also accept that these classes due to the small time frame they are offered - refunds/rescheduling/transfer of the purchased class if you can no longer make it is not available. New trainers can also practice their skills in any class on the timetable as directed by the owner of BRP, this could be part or the full class - a senior trainer will be in attendance for support and guidence.
Agreement, Release and Waiver of Liability
I declare that I am over 18 years of age (or have otherwise provided parental consent) and acknowledge and understand that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in the classes and activities offered by Body Reform Pilates.
I acknowledge and agree that Body Reform Pilates classes are physical activity - they are strenuous and there is a risk of injury including, but not limited to stretches, lifts, use of props, use of reformer machines, gymnastic movements, strenuous bodyweight exercises and other strenuous activities that I am not obliged to perform, nor am I obliged to participate in any activity that I do not wish to do, and that it is my right to refuse such participation at any time during classes.
I understand that there are inherent risks in all aspects of physical exercise and I acknowledge that I have been informed of the possible strenuous nature of training. I agree that prior to my participation I will inform Body Reform Pilates of any known medical conditions or factors that may place me at risk. Body Reform Pilates may request a medical release from my medical practitioner prior to participation. I will inform Body Reform Pilates of any symptoms before, during and after participation in a Body Reform Pilates class.
I also understand that if I am a prenatal or postnatal client, I must consult with my physician or lead maternity carer and receive clearance to perform physical exercise.
Disclaimer: we recommend you should always consult with your doctor before beginning any type of exercise or physical liability.
This form is an important legal document. It explains the risks you are assuming by beginning an exercise program. It is critical you read and understand it completely.
Waiver, Informed consent, and covenant not to sue
I have volunteered to participate in a class, course or program containing physical exercise under the direction of Body Reform Pilates, but may not be limited to weight/or resistance training. In consideration of Body Reform Pilates, agreement to instruct, assist, and train me, I do here by release and discharge and hereby hold harmless Body Reform Pilates, and their respective agents, heirs, assigns, contractors and employees from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights or causes of action, present and future, arising out of or connected with my participation in this or any program including any injuries resulting from them. This waiver and release from liability includes, without limitation, injuries which may occur as a result of (1) my use of all amenities and equipment in Body Reform Pilates, and facilities or premises and my participation in any activity, class program, personal training or instruction (2) Equipment that may malfunction or break (3) their negligent instruction or supervision (4) any slipping and/or falling dropping of equipment while on Body Reform Pilates, premises.
In checking the terms and conditions box on booking, I agree that I have not experienced any injury, back, neck or joint pain, restricted movement, heart issues, asthma, or high or low blood pressure, arthritis, slipped or bulging vertebral disk, pelvic floor conditions, dizziness, diabetes, epilepsy, hernia, bone degeneration, high cholesterol, allergies or chronic illness. If I have any of these injuries/conditions I agree that I will notify Body Reform Pilates before booking/showing up to a class. I also declare that I have notified Body Reform Pilates if I am pregnant and/or have given birth in the last 12 months, or if I have undergone surgery in the past 12 months.
Body Reform Pilates shall not undertake any obligation (whether contractually, at common law or otherwise) to advise or treat me in relation to any of the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph. I acknowledge that it is my obligation and mine alone to take responsibility for my health and wellbeing during any type of exercise I undertake with Body Reform Pilates.
Assumption of Risk
To my best knowledge I am in good physical condition and have no disease, physical limitation, health concern or injury that would be aggravated or would be the cause of any injury sustained, before, during or as a result of my participating in activities related either directly and/ or indirectly to Body Reform Pilates.
I recognise that exercise might be difficult and strenuous and there could be dangers inherent in exercise for some individuals. I acknowledge that the possibility of certain unusual physical changes during exercise does exist. These changes include abnormal blood pressure; fainting; disorders in heartbeat; heart attack; and, in rare instances, death.
I understand that as a result of my participation in an exercise or other program, I could suffer an injury or physical disorder that could result in my becoming partially or totally disabled and incapable of performing any gainful employment or having a normal social life.
I recognise that an examination by a doctor should be obtained by all participants prior to involvement in any exercise or physical program. If I have chosen not to obtain a doctor’s permission prior to beginning this exercise or physical program with Body Reform Pilates, I hereby agree that I am doing so at my own risk.
In any event, I acknowledge and agree that I assume the risks associated with any and all activities and/ or exercises in which I participate.
I acknowledge and agree that no warranties or representations have been made to me regarding the results I will achieve from this program. I understand that results are individual and may vary.
I acknowledge that I have thoroughly read this waiver and release and fully understand that it is a release of liability. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, I am waiving any right I or my successors might have to bring a legal action or assert a claim against Body Reform Pilates, for your negligence or that of your employees, agents, or contractors.
I understand that from time to time, Body Reform Pilates and/or its employees or contractors may film or photograph the classes, activities or services provided by Body Reform Pilates. By checking the box below, I permit Body Reform Pilates to use, publish, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works of, perform, display and/or otherwise exploit my name, image, voice and likeness, either complete or in part, alone or in conjunction with any wording, for uses including publicity and/or merchandising and/or editorial purposes in any country in connection with any part of the business of Body Reform Pilates in any manner and in all forms of media whether now existing or developed in the future. I hereby waive any right to inspect and approve the photographs or videos or the printed/digital/electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, regardless of whether that use is known or unknown. I waive any right to copyright or royalties or other compensation from or related to use of the photography or videos or adaptations thereof.
I have read the above release form and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.
I acknowledge that this waiver may be pleaded in response as a bar to any legal proceeding taken by me or on my behalf.
All persons under 18 years of age must have a Waiver of Liability signed on their behalf by a parent or guardian before attending a Body Reform Pilates class. Once the parent or guardian has signed the waiver, persons under 18 years of age may attend Body Reform Pilates classes.
Please note: terms and conditions of this release form and waiver of liability are subject to change without notice.
In consideration for receiving permission to be on premises at Body Reform Pilates (hereinafter the “Activity or Activities”), I, on behalf of myself and any minor child/children for whom I have the capacity to contract, hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:
I understand the hazards of the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) and am familiar with the Ministry of Health (“MOH”) guidelines regarding COVID-19. I acknowledge and understand that the circumstances regarding COVID-19 are changing from day to day and that, accordingly, the MOH guidelines are regularly modified and updated and I accept full responsibility for familiarising myself with the most recent updates.
I understand that Body Reform Pilates cannot prevent me or other guests from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while participating in the classes, activities or services. It is not possible to prevent against the presence of the disease or the spread of the disease. Therefore, if you choose to participate in the classes, activities or services, you may be exposing yourself to and/or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19, and the consequences that may result from such exposure, including but not limited to, physical injury, psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, temporary or permanent disability, death or economic loss.
Notwithstanding the risks associated with COVID-19, which I readily acknowledge, I hereby willingly choose to participate in the classes, activities and services provided by Body Reform Pilates.
I acknowledge and fully assume the risk of illness or death related to COVID-19 arising from my being on the premises and participating in the classes, activities and services and hereby release, waive, and discharge (on behalf of myself and any minor children from whom I have the capacity to contract) Body Reform Pilates and its releasees from any liability related to COVID-19 which might occur as a result my being on the premises and participating in the classes, activities and services.
I shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the releasees from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, judgments, losses or expenses of any nature whatsoever (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements, whether of in-house or outside counsel and whether or not an action is brought, on appeal or otherwise), arising from or out of, or relating to, directly or indirectly, the infection of COVID-19 or any other illness or injury.
It is my express intent that this Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement shall bind any assigns and representatives, and shall be deemed as a release, waiver and discharge of the above-named releasees.
In ticking the terms and conditions box on the website, I acknowledge and represent that I have read the foregoing Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement, understand it and sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreement, have been made; I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and fully competent; and I execute this Agreement for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by same.